Under Construction

Level 3: Government

Earlier, I mentioned the behaviors for my life are based on a set of “Core Beliefs”. My highest level core belief is the concept of a “Supreme Being”! Thinking about the idea of a Supreme Being led me to realize and adopt qualities that would be useful in helping me to be a WINNER in life!

I have a sense of self, order and purpose about my life. Having a sense of order is the quality that prevents a life of chaos! Having a sense of self and purpose is what prevented exploitation from others that did not have my best interests at heart.

These are qualities I was then able to pass on to my children. As an aside, these are beliefs I should have gotten from my culture!

To prevent misunderstandings and save myself time with explanations, I am providing a common definition upfront on the idea of a Supreme Being. I have highlighted the areas that I relate to, the most.

CoPilot - End of Report
Government Types

Core Beliefs: Government

Who Rules?

There have been times in my life when I have been alone and free to have really deep thoughts and ask deep questions. Questions like “Why do I exist?” and “What does it mean to exist?”. Why am I a human being and not a rock or a tree or a river? It is during these times that I am forced to realize, I have no answers to these incredible questions!

That is when it becomes useful to have a “Supreme Being” (God in my case) to “provide” answers to such uncommon questions. Many times the answer is simply “It is God’s will!”. For me personally, not a very satisfying answer but still far better than anything I can come up with and at this point, I am just ready to move on with my life! This part I find very useful!
Once you embrace (or at least understand) the idea of “self”, then it follows logically that you begin to determine where you relate to all the other “self’s” out there. That is where all the sections highlighted above come into play. I have a sense of order and purpose to my life and I realize that my life co-exists in a social nature (with everyone else) and that nature is based in reality and not delusion!

Core Beliefs: Government

Behaviors I adopted to be a WINNER!

So, the qualities and behaviors I adopted to be a WINNER in life are:

  1. To always remember life is much harder and less enjoyable when you are a LOSER!
  2. To realize that the things I wanted in life are in limited supply and I would have to COMPETE with others for those things! There are WINNERS and there are LOSERS!
  3. To compete, I would have to LEARN marketable skills and talents because we live in a capitalist society which means the quality of your life is highly related to the quality of your income!
  4. To overcome the narrative that because my ancestors were SLAVES, I am a VICTIM and that it is not my fault if I turn out HELPLESS, USELESS and HOPELESS!
  5. To realize the ACTIONS of people ( politicians, members of the government and media ) count 1,000 times more than their words! FOLLOW THE MONEY! They are RICH and you are NOT!
  6. To realize politicians, members of the government and media; and maybe even church leaders have a VESTED INTEREST in keeping you HELPLESS, USELESS and HOPELESS! In this way, they can have lucrative careers “PRETENDING” to help you!

These are qualities and behaviors I was then able to pass on to my children! As an aside, these are traits I should have gotten from my CULTURE!