World View
As I went through life and learned more and more, my PERSPECTIVE about how life works evolved as well. All these life lessons and how they changed “how I would approach life” moving forward, marked the beginning of my awareness of having a “WORLDVIEW”!
For me, the POWER of having a worldview, is that I use it to set major goals for my life and better than that, implement an effective strategy and tactics to have success in achieving those goals! My goals are concrete as opposed to fairytale dreams and they have deadlines. Afterwards, I always reflect on the success or failure of the my efforts!
Rather than list examples of life lessons that caused changes to my worldview here, I will make it a habit to list them separately as posts to this website.
My World View
Definition of Worldview
Sent by you: What does it mean to have a “worldview”?
Sent by ChatGPT:
A worldview is a comprehensive perspective through which an individual interprets and understands the world around them. It encompasses the beliefs, values, assumptions, and experiences that shape how a person sees reality, makes sense of life, and determines what they consider to be true, meaningful, and important.
Having a worldview means having a framework for understanding:
- Reality: How one perceives the nature of the universe and existence (e.g., whether it is created, random, or governed by laws or a higher power).
- Humanity: Beliefs about human nature, purpose, and what it means to be human (e.g., are humans inherently good, flawed, or neutral?).
- Knowledge: The way one believes knowledge is acquired and understood (e.g., through science, intuition, revelation, etc.).
- Morality: The principles one uses to distinguish right from wrong and how those principles are justified (e.g., through religion, cultural norms, reason, etc.).
- Purpose: Understanding of life’s meaning and one’s purpose or goals within that framework.
Everyone has a worldview, even if they are not consciously aware of it. It affects how they approach everything—from daily decisions and social issues to philosophical questions and existential concerns. A worldview can be influenced by many factors, including culture, religion, education, upbringing, personal experiences, and social context.
In short, a worldview shapes how a person interprets their experiences, interacts with others, and navigates their life.